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“Tang Standard, 5/6/45. Extract of the Tanganyika Times telling of my repatriation”

Ex-prisoners home again
The Bishop of Central Tanganyika, the Rt Rev G A Chambers has received news by cable that his elder son Talbot, has returned to his home at Old Windsor, Berks, safe and sound. The Bishop’s son was taken prisoner at Arnheim. A cable was also received in Dar es Salaam recently, by Mrs H F J Powell, from her elder son David Cleary, to say that he had arrived back in England. Warrant Officer Cleary was shot down over Berlin in August, 1943, when taking part in one of the very big raids over that city. He was a member of the Pathfinders.

Reported safe
Flt-Sjt David Cleary, eldest son of Mrs H F J Powell of Dar es Salaam, who was reported missing a few weeks ago is now known to be safe but a prisoner of war. “T Standard 1/10/43”

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