25 April ‘45
Len & Eddie & myself did a crafty foraging it being all the rage – when in Rome etc! In all we collected a tub of sugar, a sack of flour, half a pig (which we slaughtered very efficiently ourselves) thirty odd tins of milk, as well as preserves, coffee etc. For lunch today we had roast chicken and rhubarb tart with cream. For supper, cold roast pork & chicken, blackberries and cream, coffee and apple cider! How life can change overnight! This afternoon we went for a long stroll round the countryside which seemed deathly quiet now that the Russians have gone through. There are still various stray Jerries skulking in the woods. They have been giving themselves up to our boys and are in a pretty bad state. They are put into the “cooler” and I’m afraid the future is pretty grim for them. We recognised one of the under officers who used to count us. Things are reversed with a vengeance!
The boys are still bringing in stacks of stuff, much more than they can possibly manage. I…cont