17 April ‘45
Camp administration handed over by Hauptman Koenig to Lt Jessop. (i/c British Ps’OW). Rumour ran rife. Much fighter activity over and around the Stalag. Type used Lightnings, Thunderbolts & Mustangs.
11.15am. Two Mustangs shot up the camp, presumably aiming at the “wood fatigue” which was just returning. Obviously a case of “finger trouble” as we have been informed since that fighter pilots have definitely been informed of our whereabouts.
Result of attack – 5 killed & 7 wounded including one “Jerry”. There were quite a few narrow shaves and everyone was left in a state of nervous tension. Everyone has become aircraft wary and the first burst of fire anywhere in the vicinity sees most chaps in the prone position!
Heavy air raid occurred at night.
18 Apr ‘45
A rare sight! – a formation of ME’s flew overhead at 0700 hours. The Luftwaffe only appears in the mornings and evenings. The Allied air forces have complete air superiority. Camp security has commenced with a wow! by the display of a 40 ‘by 10’ POW sign in two compounds also the painting of corner huts with the same sign.
Continual air activity both strafing and bombing. USAAC Thunderbolt pilot arrived. ‘Pranged’ on airfield near Leipzig (‘ring sight happy’!) Three crew members from our old 35 Squadron also arrived, as a result of Engineers finger trouble (cont)