Somewhere a woman thrusting fear away
Faces the future bravely for your sake
Toils on from dawn till dark from day today
Fights back her tears, nor heeds the bitter ache
She loves you, trusts you, breathes in prayer your name
Soil not her faith in you by sin or shame
Somewhere a woman, mother sweetheart wife
Waits betwixt hopes and fears for your return
Her kiss, her words will cheer you in strife.
When death and fear confronts you, grim and stern
But let her image all your reverence claim
When base temptations scorch you with their flame
Somewhere a woman, watches filled with pride,
Shrined in her heart you share a place with none
She toils she waits she prays, till side by side
You stand together when the battles done
O keep for her dear sake a stainless name
Bring back to her a manhood free from shame