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[Inside of programme]

The Players    
Mr Allan Parr as Elizabeth Moulton-Barrett
Mr Ian Arthur as Doctor Chambers
Mr Harry Hopkins as Wilson
Mr Charles Phelps as Henrietta Moulton-Barrett
Mr Watson Copland as Arabel             "
Mr Alastair MacDonald as Octavius          "
Mr Wilfred Sutton as Septimus         "
Mr John Stark as Alfred              "
Mr Philip Greenstein as Charles            "
Mr Graeme Johnson as Henry              "
Mr Victor Beard as George            "
Mr Bernard Greenburg as Edward Moulton-Barrett
Mr Douglas Gillam as Bella Hedley
Mr John Eastwood as Harry Bevan
Mr Philip Remington as Robert Browning
Mr Jack Lomath as Doctor Ford Waterlow
Mr Bruce Coombs as Captain Surtees Cook
Krieg as Flush
Mr Philip Greenstein as Elizabeth Moulton-Barrett
Mr Ian Arthur as Edward Moulton-Barrett
Mr Pat Ashworth as Doctor Chambers
Mr William Rose as Charles Moulton-Barrett

Produced by Mr Roy Goodhind

Period music by a septet under the direction of – Mr Frank Lazari


This drama was played in Elizabeth Barrett’s bed-sitting-room at 50, Wimpole Street, London in the year 1845.


Synopsis of scenes.
Prologue by Henry Moulton-Barrett
Act the first – the evening of May 19th 1845
Act the second – the afternoon of the following day
Act the third – an afternoon in early September
Act the fourth – several weeks later
Act the fifth – ten days later

Costumes etc by the Empire theatre staff

Stage Manager – Pat Ashworth

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