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H POW Threnody (Nov ’44)

Your letter came upon a silver day
With frost upon the crusted way
That flung white drops across the wire
But even tired fatalists acquire
A hate for wonderment that’s cold
And I was feeling lost and old
When I had you that silver day
White frost upon the crusted way
I read

And shadows turning writing fled
Across the regimented page
With dreams born of another age
I had hoped – as fell the rain
Through seas of days upon the wave
I had hoped

Oh what a hope
For as I said I read
And shadows turning writing fled
Across the regimented page


Since I have been him I have delved amongst the
archives of the sages. Two statements stand out in
my mind as lodestars to future generations. The first
from an anonymous beard who said
“Half a loaf is better than no bread”
The second is none other than Percy Bysshe
“War is the statesman’s game, the lawyers jest, the
Priests delight and the hired assassins trade.
My very dear chap! Ellis Evans

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